
Thursday 4 March 2010

Pregnancy Diary: Week 32.

Week 32!

Where did all that time go? With my elective caesar scheduled at around 38 weeks, it will only be another 6 weeks before the arrival of baby. And I feel OK with that. I guess third time round, I'm a little excited, a little more relaxed and I kinda know what's in store for us! You know, just as the boys are starting to get that wee bit more independent, we're about to embark on this cycle ALL OVER AGAIN. I mean, I really didn't mind it at all. In fact, I kinda missed it: the late night feeds, sleepless nights, the invasion of body parts etc. Sounds crazy huh?

The boys? They're keeping me on my tippy toes. I get random kisses on my belly some days, but now and again I also get a sharp elbow nudge or a very painful accidental flying kick. But they're awesome with it. I think they have a fair idea now, what's to come, especially Lachy. And he can't wait! Lucas is sometimes clueless, he'd point to his own belly button and say "baby in there"!

I sit in bed procrastinating every night. Refusing to do anything mentally challenging. Or even if I do, it's like constipation, except it involves my brains. So that totally explains my blog, or lack of. And I apologise for that. Let's hope this is only transient, cos my mundane days are driving me nuts quite frankly.

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Wandernut said...

so do u know if it's a girl or a boy yet?!

Grace said...

Yes nutty :) 97% sure anyways.... but there's always 3% chance it's another boy!! :)