One other bit of news. Guess who's pulling up to stand?
He has been doing this for the last couple of days, but becoming more and more steady now. He clambers up his big brother's picnic table and reached for the water bottle and some grapes, then stood there for some eternity until he cries out for help. He doesn't quite know how to get down by himself yet.
Yesterday, he went up 2 steps on our stairs. Somehow I have a feeling it's time to dust the safety barrier from Lachie's days...

Love his little feet. So cute!! GERAM!!
i like the pic of Lucas showing koko the hand.. ehheh..
and he is fast! standing already.. won't it be nice to slow motion time.. i really enjoyed the pre toddler phase..:)
wow!! Your son can stand already?? Thats fast..
Nut: He Hee :) I munch on them everyday!
Mags: Tell me 'bout it!! Now I can't have 2 minutes without a crash here and a bang there. Lucas is getting his nose into everything!!
KadusMama: Fast-ah? I think he's developing survival skills to run from his cheeky ko-ko who constantly bullies him! RUNNN!! :P
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