Shopping for me has been a dash in and out of Coles, or a quick hour by myself whilst the boys are asleep under hubby's watch when he's working from home. I have learnt not ever to wander into a boutique WITH my two boys, or never ever to go near the Thomas the Tank Engine coin operated ride else we'll be stuck there for eternity.
Recently, when I blog hopped over to one of my favourite site, I came across Karen's Fashion and Shopping Directory. From there, I landed on Betts. Just like any other typical female, I love love love shoe shopping. Before I discovered eBay, my shoes lined the entire length of the walk-in wardrobe. I had to park my car outside of my garage because they're FULL of shoes. The back seat of my car, before having 2 child restraints, have a few pairs of shoes. For work. For shopping after work. For just in case I have a blister from wearing 2 and a half inch heels at the Emergency Department. For gym. For swimming. OK, so I have come to my senses and gave 2 big bags to charity and sold the rest on eBay.
3 mommy years later, my collection has dwindled to flip-flops, sneakers, a few nice pairs of heels for going out, winter boots, a few more pairs of shoes that were too nice to give away or sell on eBay. (OK, so they still line up the entire length of the wardrobe). Hey, a girl's gotta have what a girl's gotta have! Shoes are like chicken soup for a girl's soul. You ALWAYS need another pair or two. So now I've justified my recent spending online, this is what I bought:

And I LOVED it! Every.single.pair! Most importantly it made me happy.
Go on, hop over. They're good for you! Plus they're having a spectacular sale. Bonus.
Free shipping for orders over $85 and free returns for ALL orders.
Free shipping for orders over $85 and free returns for ALL orders.
My wish list:

how do you make sure you got the right size? i always find shoe shopping hard cause my size always vary.. maybe i got weird feet.. ahha
Love the first row!
The second row looks SCARY!!
I'm a super size 10! That's why I love shopping here cos they always have my size. I don't even walk into Vincci nowadays. The reason I took the chance was because they have the free returns. If I can't fit, I just post it back to them with their reply paid form and they'll refund the money.
Nut: I have a thing for scary shoes.... the ones that sit in my garage or sold on eBay. That's why I bought the first row! hehe... :D
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